Alan remained distraught.

Not only was the situation with Glory bad, but on the way to his fifth-period class, some football players started to intercept him in the hallway. They clearly looked like they were going to do something nasty to him as they pushed their way through other students to get to him and block his exit.

Luckily for Alan, they veered away when they saw a teacher walking nearby, but this was a painful reminder that his confrontation with them was far from resolved, and that he was acting recklessly with both Heather and Glory.

Then Alan had his fifth-period calculus test, the last of three important tests that day. In a way, he was glad, because being forced to concentrate about his test enabled him to put his sadness about Glory out of his mind for a little while. But when the test finished, his woes came right back.

When Alan's last class of the day ended, he was surprised to see Simone come up to him again. She smiled at him, and then pressed a key into his hand. "Hey, what's up? Heather wanted me to give you this."

He looked at the key he'd been given, and saw that it was the theater room key. He realized that he was so spaced out from his woes with Glory that he'd forgotten about getting it back from Heather. But he was very glad. He certainly didn't want her to keep it overnight, for fear that she might make a copy.

He would have been chagrined to learn that Heather had done exactly that during lunch! She'd told him the day before that no locksmith would make a copy of the key, but she'd been lying. So she took advantage of Alan loaning her the key to drive to a nearby shop, have the key copied in a couple of minutes, and return to school. (That made her late to her fifth-period class, but she didn't care much about that.)

It seemed that no matter how much Alan attempted to assert dominance over her, she just had to rebel. At least he would have been gratified to find out that Simone was clueless about the key copying. She just thought she was doing Heather a favor by helping her give the key back in a timely manner.

Once Alan thanked Simone for helping with the key, he gave her a quick explanation about his near confrontation with some football players that had taken place just an hour earlier.

Simone responded, "I'm not surprised. Remember what we were talking about before, about some football players who aren't so pleased with you right now?"

"Oh yeah." He'd forgotten all about that until she mentioned it.

She laughed. "You're just as spaced out as I am!"

He nodded. "That's true. But in my defense, you and I said and did some things that were much more memorable." He thought back to fucking Simone earlier in the day. As he did, he pictured her naked where she was standing. She had a truly impressive muscular body, even by his recent sky-high standards.

She chuckled. "That's true. However, I said I would help with damage control for you today, and I did. I tried my best to spread the word during lunch. I had to concede that you two were getting it on. I said that you two were engaged in an escalating series of dares. So it was just a dare that she said that and she didn't literally mean that you're her master or that she's an 'anal slave,' whatever the hell that is. Heather was there for the first part of lunch, so she was able to corroborate my story."

He asked, "Couldn't you have just stonewalled about me having sex with her?"

Simone griped, "Alan, get real. Not only did you make her say that, but we all saw you fingering her ass! Her short cheerleader skirt rode up and we could see your finger up her asshole, practically in to your knuckle! It's way weird that she'd be hugging someone like you with an audience watching. But with your finger up her ass, and her humping herself onto it while everyone is stunned speechless and staring in shock? Try explaining that away!"

That left him without any answer. "Oooh... Hmmm... So... what does it mean, that news about this has gotten out?"

"Lucky for you, it hasn't gotten completely out. As you may or may not know, Heather has a group of girl friends and ass-lickers around her known as 'The Blondies.' They're the ones who know the truth now about you and Heather. All of the actual eyewitnesses are members of her clique. As you go further from that group, and those friends tell their friends and so on, hopefully fact will turn into rumor. The one thing you have going for you is that the idea of Heather having sex with you is so absurdly unbelievable."

He asked, "It's not THAT unbelievable, is it?"

"It is. Think about it. What if someone walked up to one of your friends and said they'd just heard that you had sex with Heather? How would they react?"

He admitted, "They'd laugh and say something like, 'Yeah, right.' Then they'd joke about me having delusions of grandeur."

"You see? Most people don't know you from Adam. But if they do, for instance if you're mentioned in a rumor about Heather, they call you 'Alan the nerd' or 'Alan the straight A teacher's pet' or the like. And anyone who knows Heather at all knows that she'd rather, well, have a factory chimney's worth of smoke blown up her ass than say 'boo' to a nerd. No, I take that back, she'd probably get off on all that anilingus. But you get what I mean. The fact that she'd have sex with a nerd is what makes that worth telling. But at the same time, it's so improbable that it turns the fact into a wild rumor. Or at least that's what I'm hoping."

"God, I hope so too. I'm having enough trouble with the football players as it is."

"Yeah, well, unfortunately, a lot of those football players out to get you are close to the Blondies. For instance, remember how my boyfriend is a wide receiver. So to them it'll probably be more fact than rumor, since they'll be hearing it straight from the girls who actually saw and heard it, or maybe just one step removed."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

He said with concern, "Wait a minute. If that's true, I'm thinking that those guys who were out to get me today might have heard this latest gossip."

Simone nodded sagely. "That's not a maybe, that's a near certainty. The news spread like wildfire during lunch, and that was the first chance they could get to you. They also know for certain that you're dating Amy. Guys like you aren't supposed to date beautiful girls like Amy, much less have sex with Heather on top of that. So I'm sure they were out to put you in your place."


She gravely agreed. "Yeah, it's not good. But don't worry-" Something caught her eye, and she interrupted herself to say, "Oh wait, look. Some girl is in a hurry to talk to you. I'll drop back so you can see what it's about. But don't worry; I'll be keeping an eye on you. I've got your back."


Simone dropped back while he kept on walking.

But he also turned around to see what she was talking about. Sure enough, some girl he didn't even know rushed up to him, all breathless and excited.

"Alan!" she said. "Hey. I was wondering, you know, if you might want to, um, well, maybe go out some time?"

He looked her over. She was cute. Actually, she crossed the line from cute into downright beautiful. She had very lovely long blonde hair and was fairly stacked to boot. He guessed she was a C-cup. But he didn't know her name. Then, as he continued to look at her, he realized that she was one of the five "Blondies" who had seen him with Heather in the hallway earlier.

He reached out his hand to shake hers. "I hate to say this, but I'm afraid I don't know your name."

She shook his hand eagerly. "Yeah, that's probably 'cos you're a senior and I'm only a sophomore. But everyone says I look like I'm a couple of years older, at least."

He looked her over again and certainly didn't disagree with that. "Yeah, well, you definitely are a stunner. Um, what's your name?"

"Oh! Sorry! I'm Mindy." She still held his hand, though it was more of a gentle caress than a firm grip.

"Well, Mindy, I wish I could say yes, but I really can't. I'd love to go out with you, but there are some things that make that impossible right now."

She looked crestfallen.

He could almost read her mind from her expression. It was like she was pleading, Those things you did to Heather, do them to me too! He could feel a boner growing in his pants as he realized the eagerness of this girl to do sexual things with him. But he knew there was no way he could give in. He was so overcommitted already that the mere idea made him feel more exhausted than excited.

However, she didn't give up easily. "What kind of things?"

"Unfortunately, I can't say. But it's not that I don't want to. You look like the kind of person I wish I could get to know better, but I just can't."

She pressed, "I know you're dating Amy Pestridge, but I also know you're not going steady with her. If fact, she's totally okay with you having fun with other girls, right?"

He said, "It's complicated. I'm not at liberty to explain, but I do have some entanglements. Trust me, if things were different, I'd love to go out with you. You're very pretty, and you seem nice. If things change I'll definitely let you know, okay?"

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) "Okay." She walked away slightly dejected, even though he'd done his best to let her down easy.

Dang, man, Alan thought. What is it with girls around here? Does everyone want to be treated like a submissive fuck toy or something? I almost want to shake her by the shoulders and say, "Hey! Get a grip. Go find a normal boyfriend and have a normal relationship. Stay away from me. Not only am I way overextended, but I would be downright bad for you. Really."

God, and she's totally doable too. In another year she'll be extremely ripe. She could be Christine-type hot eventually. Somehow that just makes me twice as frustrated.

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