Based on the current length of the line, Kain guessed that over 5000 applicants had already entered.

He looked at the bottom of the list that had an unfamiliar name next to the number 43 and guessed that probably no more than 50 applicants would pass at this rate. Not unless there were several stronger applicants at the end.

‘Number 43 isn’t me…’ Kain began to scan up the list, keeping an eye out for not only Bridge’s name but also Addison’s and Aiden’s.

When he reached the top 10, he didn’t see his own name, or any of the other 3.

His heart began to pound and instead of going up gradually, jumped immediately to the number 1 position with a small bit of hope.

1. Kain

His name looked out of place among all of the others with both a given and surname. Many had quite prestigious last names, signifying their statuses as top legacies.

Yet it was his familiar name in the first-place position.

People began to whisper and stare at him as he stood mouth agape in front of the tablet.

But he could care less, he’d probably never see most of them again anyway.

‘I’m number 1! I’M NUMBER 1! I’M NUMBER 1!!!’

It took all of his self-restraint to not start screaming his rank at the top of his lungs.

However, at the thought that Bridge’s name also wasn’t on the tablet, he began to feel nervous. He went to where the green-haired second-year and some other seniors were treating students and looked for Bridge’s familiar figure.


He then began to look around the nearby campus grounds.

Still nothing.

Maybe he’s still in there. Kain began to calm down at the prospect that Bridge hadn’t failed.

‘I had probably cleared it faster than most, so it makes sense that he’s not out yet’

‘I hope he makes it…but I really have no idea how he or the other applicants managed to pass’


Kain unfortunately had no way of knowing the other methods applicants used to pass.

While, like he thought, nobody had anything like Bea all of the successful applicants were astonishing in their own way.


If one had the power to monitor all of the trainees’ admission tests, the method used by Addison and Aiden would likely be the most astonishing. Not due to some overwhelming ability being displayed, but rather because they were the only space with 2 applicants, while all of the others only had one each.

How could they have accomplished this?

Less than a minute after Addison entered the space, her eyes began to glow and her features began to look slightly more masculine until there was an unfamiliar individual with very androgynous beauty remaining.

Suddenly a third and fourth leg extended from the body and a familiar figure stepped out—Aiden

Addison’s space which originally had only her, now had the complete pair of siblings.

They both paused and looked around as though waiting for something, before releasing a relieved breath. This had truly been a gamble. They hadn’t known if the space would eject one or both of them after doing this and rule them to have failed.

Thankfully, as long as the method used is not a cheat item beyond the power level of the participant, any methods to pass will be allowed.

So of course, the use of a gift, like the one the twins just demonstrated, would not disqualify them.

Both of them began to move forward and fight with excellent coordination.

With 2 people their exam just became much easier.


In another space, an unfamiliar individual stood confidently on the beginning land mass looking around.

He had blonde hair, green eyes, and looked like the stereotypical image of a handsome storybook prince.

His very demeanor and equipment practically screamed his legacy status—and it was definitely a high-tier legacy family.

He had on shining silver armour, with gold rimming around the edges. It was covered in at least three sigils, one more than is typical of 2-star equipment. To achieve an additional sigil beyond the level of the weapon not only is a world-class blacksmith needed, but also the use of materials beyond the 2-star level must also be used. That is materials from orange-grade spiritual beasts and higher.

Even the average legacy family wouldn’t be able to bear using a higher-level material to make a 2-star armour.

After understanding the situation, he summoned his contract.

If Kain had been there he would have immediately turned green with envy and jealousy—a dragon!

A young one, only a little bigger than a large horse, but a dragon nonetheless.

It had light green scales, and its wings were nearly 5 times its size. Clearly, it was a dragon species that prioritized flight speed over bodily strength.

He climbed on its back before flying into the air.

Most 1-star applicants would not have contracts that could support them in flying to their destination. However, the relic still seemed to be prepared for this eventuality and the dragon was forced by a great pressure to lower onto the bridge

Taking the bridge was the only allowed method of passing the exam.

An expression of embarrassment at the failed plan only flashed for a moment before he ordered his dragon to dash across the bridge with him on its back.

Although not as advantageous as in the air, his dragon was at least Gold-quality, none of the lower quality white-grade beasts and red-grade beasts in the water even came close to him until he was at the final third of the bridge.


He narrowly dodged a stab from a trident in the hands of what looked like a purple human fused with an octopus’ lower body.

He unsheathed his sword and began to input his red and orange-tinged spiritual power into the sigils.

He must now go all out. He could defeat one Orange-grade spiritual creature, but a whole hoard of them is even beyond his capabilities.

Unlike Kain who had Bea to restrain most of them so that he only really had to face the one lying in ambush near the exit. The majority of the students had to find a way to fight through or avoid the orange-grade attacks on their way to the exit.

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