The moment they heard the news about the wall breaking, Nathan and the minister nodded to each other.

“Assemble all the soldiers and let them begin digging other tunnels and get ready to fight. Have one summoner stand by at the very front for all kinds of anomalies.”

“Yes, sir!” The messenger immediately rushed to inform the rest of the army. It was finally time to fight.

Both the minister and Nathan went to their respective spots together. The minister ordered, “Keep looking at the pace. While this is already close to the frontline, it will still take twelve hours if we walk, so it will exhaust the army. Make sure they stay rested and conserve their energy as much as possible.”

“I know. There is a possibility that there will be a lot of aliens waiting for us at the end of the tunnel, so we have to be careful. In addition, the tunnel has a certain distance between them, so we will have to coordinate with each other the moment we come out.”

“Yes.” The minister thought for a moment. “Also, keep in contact.”

“It’s impossible to maintain contact. Even the horse will take time. Only familiars can travel fast enough to maintain contact.”

“I know that. Anyway, maintain contact even if it takes too long. The reserve army will be the one handling the messengers. The moment anything happens, contact each other.”

Nathan nodded. At this time, he was hoping for an artifact that could let them talk to each other. Unfortunately, they didn’t get much from the Divine Hand. After all, that artifact was the one making that person famous, so it couldn’t be helped that no one was able to have it.

While rushing to his group, he passed by the girls, who seemed to talk with each other for one last time.

Nathan just waved his hand while shouting, “Good luck! Let’s regroup once we reach the end of the tunnel.” empire

They couldn’t help but smile wryly. In the last couple of days, Nathan had been with the war minister most of the time.

In the end, they could only enter their position. This mission was simply too important for them to make a problem based on personal feelings.

As soon as Nathan regrouped with his army, he summoned Anubis, their guardian angel. Anubis had helped a lot of soldiers with minor injuries to severe injuries.

It could be said that he single-handedly kept the casualty zero.

“Let’s go!” Nathan waved to the captain of his group, signaling the soldiers to get going. Of course, there was actually a group of soldiers holding a pickaxe and shovel on the side.

Their job came the moment they reached the end of the tunnel.

Since the alien hadn’t finished their tunnel, these soldiers immediately dug the remaining tunnel by themselves.

Of course, it produced a lot of sound, which alerted the enemy. That was why Nathan and the war minister kept thinking about the danger.

If the aliens informed their superior about this, it would alert the rest of the aliens.

However, it didn’t change the fact that the aliens were mostly proto-class aliens. As a result, they didn’t have enough intelligence to report to their superior.

The moment the path was opened up, they could see a few aliens swarming them at the same time.

On Nathan’s side, Anubis hurriedly caught several of them with the bandages while other soldiers defeated the rest. At the same time, more and more aliens were waiting for them ahead. Some even came straight to them the moment they saw the light source.

After all, marching with a huge number was extremely hard without any light.

The girls were also advancing at a similar pace. Nathan had to warn Selena because her ability was too destructive, though.

Nevertheless, nothing major happened as all the tunnels finally linked to the other side.

As planned, they immediately sent forth an advance party who was tasked with clearing up the enemies in their path. They would cycle these people from time to time.

This way, the entire army could advance pretty smoothly. The condition for their respective summoner was to have one familiar on standby at all times. They were worried something happened to the tunnel or if the entire tunnel was actually a trap.

Hence, there was always one familiar at the very front to lead them. In Nathan’s case, it was Anubis who ended up being revered as their guardian deity.

“Sir. The first advance party has returned,” the captain reported. “There are a lot of aliens ahead, but everyone has returned safely.”

“Good work. Send the next team.” Nathan nodded. “We’re expected to reach the other side of the tunnel in another 9 hours, so remain sharp. It will be quite late once we arrive, but we can’t camp there.”

“Yes. The soldiers have been warned about it.”


Anubis, who had been silent this whole time, suddenly raised his voice. “Nathan.”

“Mhmm? What’s wrong? Do you want to get some rest? I can ask Jinwu to lead for a bit. Your job is going to be hard once we reach the end of the tunnel, so you can get some rest.”

Anubis shook his head. “No. It’s not that. We’ve got a situation here.”

Nathan wasn’t the only one turning their heads to Anubis. Other people, including the captain, who overheard his voice, couldn’t help but look at him, wondering what had gone wrong.

Anubis squinted his eyes. “My ears are not as sharp as Fenrir’s, but I’ve been able to listen to the sound of the tunnels on both our left and right. While I can still see the one on the right perfectly fine, the sound coming from the left tunnel has been decreasing. I haven’t been able to confirm it until this time…”

“What?” Nathan gasped. The decrease in the volume of the sound could only mean one thing. They were moving away from that particular tunnel. To put it simply, they were deviating from the path, heading in the same direction as the tunnel on their right.

“Oh, shit. I know it’s been going too smoothly.”

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