It didn’t matter how much experience or training Genshi had been through in his long life, there was no amount of mental strength that would be able to cover the wide gap in strength between an ELITE Rank and a TRANSCENDENTAL Rank.
Genshi spoke up to all the superhumans in the room after taking a small sigh.
“It’s my pleasure to welcome you to Japan, superhumans. I would admit that it was not my decision that brought you all here, but as is the way of the Japanese, we must make do with what we possess and move forward regardless. Therefore, due to you already being here, I can only extend my most heartfelt welcome to you and wish you a pleasant stay. My name is Genshi Naruhito, and I am the leader of the Superhuman Alliance here in Japan. Many of you already know me, and therefore you will also know that there is very little that I will tolerate in the way of damage to my country. According to the calendar for this event, there will be a welcome ceremony held tomorrow, where we will give you the layout of the competition, but before that, I believe it is paramount that I deliver a warning to you all.”
Genshi’s eyes swept over the crowd gathered there. Even though they were all superhumans with power beyond the wildest imagination of any human, Genshi was still able to hold his head high and proud without caving under the pressure of their attention. The translators in the ears of the contestants translated Genshi’s Japanese into perfect English for Mark and the rest of the Americans, and Mark just kept an expressionless look on his face as he continued listening to Genshi.
“You are in my country now. You are in Japan. I do not care what the laws were in your country or who you believe yourself to be by virtue of the recognition you’ve received over there. Now that you are here, you will follow our laws and you will respect our people. Should I hear that any one of you went out of line with regards to the safety of our people or should I hear that you acted in a manner that was likely to put any of our citizens at risk, then I can assure you that we will not be so welcoming anymore.”
“So much for the Japanese hospitality.”
Pat’s voice echoed from somewhere behind Mark once Genshi was finished talking, and Genshi turned his eyes towards Pat with a black stare. Pat didn’t even try to stand up to Genshi, and he just moved to stand behind Mark so that Genshi would not be able to see him. Pat was only a human and Genshi was an ELITE Rank. Pat might be a rude bastard who didn’t give a fuck about people’s feelings, but he knew better than to antagonize someone like Genshi.
Mark chuckled a little when he heard what Pat said, and Genshi shifted his stare from Pat over to Mark. Mark gave Genshi an impassive stare back, and Genshi kept his eyes on Mark for a moment longer before returning to the crowd of superhumans to continue talking.
“Your lodging and meals will all be taken care of by us and you will have the freedom to see much of the country later tomorrow, but for now, I ask that you respect our laws and land as much as we have respected you. Thank you.”
Genshi finally stood after he was finished talking, and he started to leave the room calmly. After he was gone, the president finally came forward to start talking. No one failed to notice that the president of the country had actually stayed silent throughout the time Genshi was around and only started talking after Genshi left. It was obvious to everyone just who it was that held the most power in Japan.
Mark tuned out the president’s speech since it was mainly filled with the same things that Genshi had said earlier. The leader of the NSA was a female superhuman with a calm air around her, and Mark kept his eyes on her for most of the president’s speech. Just looking at her was enough to remind Mark of Salazar and what the bastard had done, and even though Mark knew that she was probably not related to the Syndicate in any way, Mark couldn’t help but feel some sort of mistrust for anything related to the NSA. Mark activated his [True Sight] to get a look at her stats and he just turned away from her a moment later after seeing that her affiliation was Lawful Good. She wouldn’t be part of the syndicate with a mindset like that.
“… so please, follow the guides. They’ll take you to the lodges that have been prepared for you all.”
The president finally finished off his speech, and Mark and the others followed after various guides that appeared from the left side of the room. They were led to large buses parked outside the building, and Mark was surprised when he didn’t see any civilians waiting for them outside the airport. If it were America, Mark knew that there would be hundreds of civilians gathered outside the airport just to try and catch a glimpse of the superhumans.
But just before Mark could say anything about this strange situation to Arit, Mark’s attention was drawn toward someone standing on the other side of the street. The street was empty of any cars or pedestrians, but Mark noticed that Genshi Naruhito and the woman who held his sword had stopped opposite the airport. They were standing with a man who had a cigarette in his mouth and another woman who held a katana on her left hip. But it wasn’t Genshi that drew Mark’s attention, instead, it was the woman who was standing opposite him that drew Mark’s eyes.
Her face was like a doll.
This was the only way Mark could describe the woman he saw. She had a face that was so perfectly expressionless that it almost seemed unnatural to him. There were no muscle movements and no unconscious twitches! Nothing at all that Mark would normally notice on a human being with his enhanced vision. It was almost like she didn’t have the ability to control any of the muscles in her face at all.
The woman had been talking to Genshi about something when the bus carrying the contestants moved out from the airport, but once Mark turned to look at her, she also turned away from Genshi and her eyes found Mark’s immediately. The both of them simply stared at each other and in that brief moment, there was some sort of recognition that passed between them both. Mark knew without a shadow of a doubt that the woman he was staring at was just like him. She was extraordinarily strong.
At that moment, Mark knew that this was Megumi Yoshida.
Mark had never even seen a picture of her before, but Mark immediately knew that this had to be the Battle Angel that everyone had been talking about since before he came out as a superhuman. Mark thought that he would be disappointed when he finally laid eyes on her. People had been known to exaggerate people’s powers before, and Mark would not have been surprised if it turned out that Megumi’s power had been exaggerated by the media, but for the first time in almost five months, Mark could feel his heart rate picking up as his battle instincts started to come to life once more.
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