“Kekeke! Told you to stop sleeping in the brothel like a complete wastrel, fatty.” The poor but muscular one mocks Ian.

“Brother Grunt, I told you many times! This stupid slave makes no money!” He says while pointing dismissively behind him with a finger.

“Hahaha! I can’t believe you still bring this stupid excuse up. She alone is making more money than I do, and I adventure together with my two slaves. You just drink and fuck all the coins away as soon as you get your grubby, greasy fingers on them! If you are interested, I’m still down to trade these two for her! I will even add in an extra gold coin!” Grunt replies.

The two ladies behind him lose their composure for a few short moments as they grimace.

I can’t decide if it’s because they are being treated as tradable merchandise or because they imagined the not-so-alluring prospect of serving Ian.

“Bah! I’m not trading for those two average looking ones! After visiting Lily every day for the last three years their lacking appearance wouldn’t even be able to make me half-hard. And what’s the use of a threesome anyways if I come after two minutes and my little friend has a cooldown of 24 hours?”

“Kekeke! So you do admit that your slave brings in that much money that this deal is not worth it for you, huh?! You could even stop visiting the brothel and have threesomes every night if you could lower your standards a bit! You are actually retarded, my good friend.” He sighs dejectedly.

Ian only burped in reply. “Slave! Napkin!” He shouts a strange command.

In the next moment Blossom steps next to him and presents her back. He then grabs her fluffy tail and wipes his hands into the fur.

My and Blossom’s gaze finally meets since our arrival in the tavern and I don’t like her expression at all. She is grimacing ashamedly which is a sight I really don’t want to see again.

Wow. Just wow. I clench my hand into a tight fist as a vein pops on my forehead. I make a promise to myself that he will not have a swift end, no matter what I have to do. I already consider Blossom to be mine, and you simply can’t treat the women I treasure as such, even if you are the Goddess herself.

I’m already in the midst of drawing up dozens of torture methods I could use before sending him six feet under.

What’s even more aggravating is that this is not even a hygienic method to clean one’s hands anyways. He is just doing it to humiliate his defenseless slave.

Ayame gently pats my shoulder in a clear attempt to calm me down. I reluctantly oblige. There’s nothing to be earned by making a scene here.

“Can your slaves do this for me?” He asks arrogantly.

“… You can use their hair I suppose.” Grunt replies, a bit befuddled by Ian’s values.

“It’s not the same!”

Once he is finished he pushes her tail away and with a dismissive gesture sends Blossom back to her previous position. He then speaks up, “Big Brother Kai, can’t you lend me some of your ancient knowledge? I’m struggling mightily these days!”

The last guy, the one that actually seems very competent based on his physical appearance finally looks up from his plate and for the first time since my arrival joins the conversation. “First of all, you rotund degenerate, I’m not old, I just spend my time experiencing the world, unlike you. How old are you two rejects again? I bet I’m not even ten years older than you.”

He then gestures behind him and one of the wizard looking slaves, a sexy tanned woman with red hair steps next to him and then sits down on his right thigh and leans her body onto his chest. She then picks up his mug and brings it to his lips while holding the wooden item in both of her hands. He takes a sip of his drink while grabbing a handful of her bosom.

Ian is listening on without a hint of offense taken; he is probably insulted by these drinking buddies of his on a regular basis.

Kai then continues, “As for my ancient knowledge, just rope yourself you absolute waste of fresh air. I don’t know how you managed to fall this low. Back when I first met you, you were a promising young warrior, but look at you now. The only thing you can be on the battlefield is a damage sponge.

Of course, that is only for a short while, because you’re an absolute trash who has not leveled up for what? The last four years is it? You would croak in under ten seconds in a proper combat situation.”

“Kekeke! Big Brother Kai, you are ruthless today!” Grunt laughs.

“Ugh! I’m so jealous! Are you sure I can’t sleep with any of your women?” Ian inquires after ignoring their verbal abuse with little to no tact while watching Kai feel the redhead up. I think this guy might be on the spectrum, he has zero social skills nor self-awareness. He doesn’t care one bit for being insulted into the ground either.

Kai bursts out laughing, “hahaha! Sure you can, ten silver a night for Alicia. I’m thinking of trading her soon anyways. She is getting a bit too old for my liking.”

Ian glances towards one of the archers, measuring her assets, and so do I. She is certainly over thirty, but she is still a very alluring lady. Though, to be fair, she doesn’t measure up to the tanned girl, who is probably his current favorite based on the contextual clues I’ve gathered.

The fat fuck snorts shortly afterwards, “Lily is only one silver a night!”

I can’t help but laugh inwardly. He actually spends that much money on his favorite whore every single day? For three years straight was it? He is straight up brain damaged, he simply must be. There’s no other possible explanation.

He would have over ten gold coins saved up just from foregoing that expense, which he could use to buy a squad of low level slaves and since he is also a low level adventurer, they could get strong together and create a good team over the years.

“She is also a used up slut that had opened her legs to half of the male population of Aldoria, it might as well be a public property by now. I don’t even know how you have the urge to stick it into that stinky hole. Alicia, on the other hand is an impoverished noble turned into a debt slave who only had me in her life, and she is also a gentle lady that listens to my every whims and desires.

Well, that’s mostly because she has no human rights and is contractually obligated to do so, but I prefer to ignore that part for the fantasy aspect, hahaha!” He laughs cruelly.

All this information finally seems to affect the lady in question, evidenced by a single tear streaming down on her otherwise emotionless features. None of the other five react in any shape or form, they remain expressionless like marionettes. I can only guess that him trading slaves is not a one-off occurrence, or they simply don’t care about being traded.

I can easily imagine that they believe that their next master might be better.

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