Chapter 535 Chatting with the PrincessSeraphiel’s unsaid question was answered when I brought a specific artifact out of my pocked dimension and imbued my mana into a little crystal.
It didn’t take long for the communication line to be established.
Your next chapter is on My Virtual Library Empire
A high-pitched, girly voice came from the device.
“Hello, Princess Felicity Valorian speaking.”
“This is Black, we met earlier today at the auction.”
“Lord Black!! I didn’t dare hope you would call me so soon!” she chirped merrily.
“Is it a good time to call? It’s pretty late, did your bedtime not arrive yet?”
“I’m a big girl who can stay up for as long as I want!” She decreed proudly before adding with a low whisper; “At least, as long as my studies don’t suffer for it…”
“Haha! Is that so? What’s your favorite subject?”
“Magic theory! It’s because instead of a boring tutor, it’s Mom who is my instructor.”
Queen Morgana, huh. I don’t know too much about the woman besides the many legendary feats she achieved on the fields of battle with her quite likely advanced-tier Elemental Sovereign spells. Beyond that, all I know is that she doesn’t care about politics and spends a lot of her time and resources on magic research.
It’s good to see she’s not such a recluse that she would neglect her young daughter.
“Is Miss Elf also there? I want to tell her how the coating of the nature crown went with the bee wax she suggested!”
“Well… She’s uh, occupied.” I murmured while gesturing to Seraphiel to resume her handjob. Thus far, ever since the line connected to Felicity, she’d just been eyeing me with a wholly disbelieving gaze. However, upon hearing my words, she let off a very unladylike and very long cursing spree – silently, of course, she merely articulated the words with her lips while glaring daggers at me.
However, instead of listening to me and resuming her sensual pumping, I felt two hands grip onto my shaft… and then, she squeezed hard, making me grit my teeth to prevent a sound from escaping my lips. My attempt to remain silent required such a great deal of effort that multiple veins bulged on my forehead.
What made it all worse was the extremely satisfied, smug smile dancing on Seraphiel’s lips.
“Occupied? What is she doing?” Felicity asked cheerily.
“She’s resting because she’s not such a big girl as you are; if she doesn’t get her beauty sleep, she’ll wake up the next day resembling an ogre more than an elf. It’s not a pretty sight, let me tell you that much.”
“Hehehe! I don’t believe you!” Felicity giggled. However, the other female, the one who was way too close to me for my liking didn’t appreciate my words, as I sensed one of her hands leaving my shaft only to grab onto my jewel sack.
A cruel expression adorned Sera’s face, promising me anything but a long, healthy life as a man should I continue dissing her.
The women of Thalorind were all sadists who loved to torture men by going for their most precious friends, and it quickly became evident that Seraphiel was no exception to that observation of mine either.
I nodded at the elf playing around with my balls like a killer whale playing with its food before going in for the kill. In that nod, I wordlessly accepted defeat, promising not to badmouth her.
Her firm expression softened, alongside her grip on my best friend. Before long, she accepted my promise and resumed her amazing handjob.
“I’m having a mathematics test tomorrow… I’m a bit worried, to be honest.”
Damn, that horrible subject tortures children in this magical world as well? On the positive side, ~90% of them are illiterate peasants growing potatoes in the cold dirt, so only the privileged have to deal with such terrible problems.
“Is that so? Did you prepare? If not, you better put your head to it before it gets too late…”
Although my words were a response to Felicity, they were mostly aimed at Seraphiel. I pointed at the rapid flow of sand grains to the bottom of the hourglass to let her know she wasn’t doing too well before reaching for the back of her head and pulling her down into kissing range of my cock.
Naturally, I did it all to help her win our little challenge, nothing more. I was magnanimous like that.
Now it was her turn to grit her teeth to hold a shocked yelp back from escaping her lips. She stared up at me with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief, however, I merely pointed at the hourglass for a second time, letting her know it was time to give up on her challenge if she wasn’t ready to go all out.
Seraphiel gulped nervously while changing the target of her staring from me to my shaft. Determination flared in her intelligent eyes before she cautiously pushed her tongue out to give my cock an exploratory lick as if it was an ice cream flavor she never tried before and was reluctant to give it a go.
She followed it up by putting her nose close to my member and sniffing it all over, from the tip all the way to the jewel sack. In this moment, Seraphiel greatly resembled Blossom who would often sniff me all over my pecker, using her extremely potent nostrils to learn of all the fun adventures I’d been on since last laying with her. She could easily guess from a single whiff how long ago I enjoyed the company of each woman of mine with terrifying precision.
Seraphiel soon parted her lips to envelop my tip in her tantalizing mouth, where her wet tongue greeted me by swirling along my length.
It didn’t take her more than a few moments to get the hang of things, after which her sensual blowjob session began in earnest, evidenced by the diligent bobbing of her head.
“Of course I prepared!” Felicity declared firmly as if the mere sentiment of her not doing her utmost to excel at math was simply outrageous. She quickly followed it up by whining; “I hate mathematics! I keep studying for long hours, but when a test paper is placed in front of me, it might as well have been written in a foreign language! I have no clue where to even begin with the problems.”
“I would love to offer my assistance, but I’m afraid I passed most math tests by cheating.”
“Huh?!” Felicity yelped with shock. “C-c-c-cheating?! But that gets you punished!!!”
What a sweet girl, even the mere mention of foul play left her utterly flabbergasted.
“Punished? My fair princess, punishment is for those who get caught doing bad things. The trick is not to not cheat, but to not get caught while doing so.”
“Is that so…?” The gears rapidly turning in her little head were so loud I could hear them over the communication line.
“That is so. However, cheating makes you skip over the basics. If a future subject of yours depends on the topics you learned in this course, it’ll come to bite you in the butt later. Therefore, instead of cheating, I recommend you ask for a new tutor, maybe the current one sucks at explaining things properly.”
“Will that not reflect on me poorly? It would seem as if I was blaming Miss Agatha for my own shortcomings.”
“There’s no shame in asking for a change if the current one is clearly not working. Math is not a subject you can excel in by merely sitting down and cramming it for hours as if it were history for example. Explain yourself properly to your parents, say that you did your best but you see no results for your efforts.”
“I see! I shall do as you suggest, Lord Black!”
I’m not gonna lie, giving life coaching to the princess while getting my pecker serviced by my bombshell of an elf was a surreal experience.
“Guh!” I couldn’t help but grunt when Seraphiel increased her efforts by replicating a vacuum cleaner as she sucked me off with all her might and utilized her hands to massage my balls at the same time. Her hand movements oddly resembled Lucille’s masterful machinations, and I instantly sensed that my beloved berserker gave her some pointers which Sera utilized very well.
She glanced up at me with eyes that had a mischievous glint to them, letting me know how great of a time she was having – at my expense.
“Is everything all right, Lord Black?” Felicity asked innocently.
“Y-yes, it’s just that there’s a mosquito in my room who is doing its best to suck me dry.”
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