Also, dang. Just… dang. Malakar must’ve gone fishing and completely ignored his first batch of offspring or something along these lines, as otherwise, I simply don’t see how they would be cavemen with his dedicated guidance available. What a lax dude. He has my utmost respect. I wonder what the first human primordial woman was doing. Well, considering the fact that she ended up fucking off to the fjords with Dragnar, I’m assuming she wasn’t exactly that responsible either.

It might’ve been Mearie’s birth that put the human race on the Iskaris continent back on track. If she hadn’t been born or ended up being less dutiful, maybe I would’ve been transported to the alternate Iskaris continent where humans had no rights at all since they got enslaved by another race, or one where they didn’t even exist, having gone extinct a long time ago.

Seraphiel then eyed me a bit apprehensively as if deep in thought whether she should say what’s on her mind or not. After a few long seconds, she’d reached a decision. “Master, your lovers are preparing some gift for you, and while I’m not a member of your harem-” she swiftly ignored my “yet” interjection as she smoothly continued as if nothing had happened “but I’m still part of the team, and it would not sit well with me if I was the only one who didn’t give you a gift. My gift is information that a man with your unique tastes will appreciate very highly.”

She took a few deep breaths as if still unsure whether she should reveal this so-called information to me or not, making me await eagerly what had her on edge so much. “Luminara is a religious idol in elven culture, second only to the Goddess herself. I don’t know what happened to the first male elf, but he is so incredibly irrelevant that we don’t even call Luminara the ‘first female elf’ but the ‘first elf’. She’d guided our race wonderfully for a very long time, and so she is adored greatly by the common populace. So much so that… she has shrines…”

My heart skipped a beat as I quickly understood her meaning. “And sexy elven shrine maidens.”

“Your brain works so fast when it comes to this topic, master.” She giggled and nodded, “yes, you’re right. The shrine maidens had dedicated themselves to the first elf, both in mind and body. They are not Arch-Priest classed individuals like the Goddess’ fanatic followers, they are just devout followers of Luminara.”

Yeah, Luminara has no divine powers that would let her bestow classes on mortals, so it made sense for the shrine maidens to have random classes.

I continued Seraphiel’s explanation for her. “And since they had dedicated themselves in body…” ƒreewebɳ

“Master, you ignored the ‘mind’ part,” she scoffed adorably, “but, yes, they have their virginity intact and most of them are much older than me, some even going as far as being more than a milennia old. If you’re such a *khm!* gourmet, there’s not a ‘more luxurious wine to uncork’ – as you put it – than them. Thus my gift to you, both for giving me this chance at leading a good life and for being a strong man who survived that horrible ordeal with the Child of Agony simulation is this: when the next time you see Luminara, have her provide you with irrefutable proof of not only her continued existence, but have her decree you as her only living son and rightful heir. Doing so will see you having thousands of virgin shrine maidens ready to serve your every whim and desire, going as far as easily siding with you over the elven royal family should a conflict of interest occur.”

“Hahaha!” I couldn’t hold my laugh back at all. What an amazing woman this Seraphiel had proven herself to be. I’m utterly shocked. “Thank you for the wonderful gift, my beautiful healer. I’ll definitely make good use of it.”

No wonder she was so reluctant to tell me this information. It could see me completely upending elven society as she knew it.

“… Sigh. What have I done?”

I decided to reach out and touch her soft shoulders and pull the dejected girl into a small, innocent hug. “You’ve done nothing wrong. Nothing wrong at all…”

“Master, just because you hid your face away from my eyes in this coy and very opportunistic manner, you did not succeed. I can literally


the evil grin that occupies your features. I don’t even have to look to know you’re harboring sinister thoughts for my fellow innocent elven maidens…”

“Me? Grinning? You’re sorely mistaken.” I said while grinning from ear to ear.

“… Hmph!”

It took Seraphiel a few minutes to get over her presumed betrayal of her race – which wasn’t the case at all in my opinion since the first elf was on my side, not theirs. Though to be fair, the Goddess was indeed not very fond of me, but she had nothing to do with this particular issue. Now that I think about it, she must’ve been fuming when she learned that I got the Primordial Subjugator class. She abhors slavery, so… yeah. My Goddess taming thoughts were rapidly turning into mere daydreams with every passing power-up I received. It was almost as if the Soul Records wanted me to beef with the Goddess.

The two of us walked for an hour or so while chatting amicably, after which we finally visited Ronan to check the building they’d more or less finished, at least its rough parts. I was happy to see that it was indeed completely liveable, though very barebones at that. Naturally, it was completely empty since I gave the slaves no materials to furnish it with. Not that they would’ve had time to get to it, as both the exterior and interior still needed work.

Just as we finished exploring the last room, I heard a mental message. My samurai’s alluring voice sounded in my mind. <We are finished with our preparations. Come to this address…>

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