Pov: Quinlan
“Hehehe! Kekekeke!” I snicker as I slash at the neck of the next soldier sprawled on the ground that Ayame and I come across.
[You’ve Slain Footsoldier Andre (Level 8). You’ve Gained 190 XP]
“I’m a bonafide genius, aren’t I, my extremely rude and arrogant samurai?” I ask smugly. My plan is working simply amazing. We are not at the inner area of the camp yet, but we’ve dispatched a few units patrolling the outskirts with ease. Most soldiers we’ve come across could barely function as human beings.
The combination of Blossom’s sneaking capabilities with Aurora’s poison crafting is shaping up to be extremely efficient and deadly.
As for why I specifically asked her to cook lightweight poison that I knew would not kill the outpost personnel?
Two reasons.
First, the jig would’ve been up after a few deaths, which would’ve just allowed their healers to cleanse the well and heal the few soldiers who drank from it.
But then, Quinlan, why not create a deadly poison that lays low in their system for a longer while so that all can quench their thirst first and get affected in the process?
That’s because of the second point.
I. Need. XP.
To be allowed to finally rise to level 10 and above, I have to complete my Rank Up Mission, which is to unlock the Primordial Villain class, which requires me to level up three evil classes to level 10 respectively.
If they die before I get here I can’t level up my Assassin class, nor my Slave Master, and probably not even my Thief one, since if they are dead the system no longer considers their property to betheirs, thus I would not be stealing but simply taking what is essentially ‘free real estate’.
I summon my status window after a good while. I had so much fun with my girls and living my newfound life in this wonderful world that I almost forgot it even existed for a few days… I’m a horrible main character.
[Name: Quinlan Noir]
[Race: Primordial]
[Title: -] content-source-MVLeMpYr
[Primordial Level: 9. XP 816/816]
[Primary Class: Assassin lvl 8]
[Secondary Classes:
– Slave Master lvl 8
– Warrior lvl 10
– Thief lvl 4]
[Vitality: 34]
[Strength: 30]
[Agility: 34] (31 + 10%)
[Intelligence: 18]
[Wisdom: 18]
[Unused Skill Points: 16]
[Unused Attribute Points: 15]
Yeah, I have to admit that I shamelessly neglected leveling up for the last couple of days, but this is an amazing opportunity to make up for my recent inaction.
“You are so smart, my amazing master…” Ayame finally murmurs a response to my inquiry with a obvious indignation. “An outstanding genius among geniuses.”
I sigh dejectedly. “If only my adorable Blossom were here, she would be singing my high praises…”
I then turn towards my warrior only to see her in a strange posture. Sadly I can’t see her eyes as she is wearing her mask, but I’m sure she is up to something. She leans forwards slightly, clutches her hands to her chest and begins slowly swaying her hips, while erupting into a cheery but obviously mocking tone; “Master is so smart! Ayame is absolutely flabbergasted!
Ayame is amazed by Master’s epic plan!”
Oh. The swaying of her hips was meant to imitate Blossom’s tail wagging I imagine.
You simply just can’t do my Pupcake like that.
She then straightens her back and scoffs in a cold tone, “… happy?”
I stare at this severely misbehaving woman for a few good seconds while trying to collect my thoughts and mount a counter-attack, and then I finally find the perfect one. “You know what, Ayame? Tonight you will sleep in my arms.”
“Wha-” she stops her response and stares back at me mutedly for a good few seconds. “Oh… Fuck…!”
I can’t help but grin at her uncharacteristic cursing. She seems to finally remember her promised reward for me solo beating the floor boss crane monster.
Before I could continue a voice interrupts our verbal battle.
“Arghhh…! Goddess damned cooks! Did they piss in the breakfast gruel again or what?!” I hear a person shout from nearby. Based on the accompanying sounds he is busy emptying his stomach out. I guess I just found my next XP pack.
As I creep toward the bushes, a wicked grin spreads across my face.
I can’t help but notice that I’ve been plummeting in a downward spiral when it comes to my empathy towards strangers. Admittedly, I’ve never been one to care about others much, but my morality has definitely been sliding down on a rather slippery slope.
These people have done nothing against me, in fact they are soldiers who I would assume are protecting their country as its loyal subjects, and I see them as nothing more than easy experience points for me to collect, when they could have children and a lover waiting for their return home.
One could even argue that with my actions I’m directly responsible for putting children and widows onto the streets or at the very least into extremely ugly financial situations.
And I don’t feel any remorse in particular. Sure, I’m not happy to shed their blood, but neither am I grieving, or even finding it difficult. My and their circumstances have pitted us against each other in this dog-eat-dog world.
I directly benefit from their demise, so I kill them. As simple as that. Any theoretical loved ones are just that- theoretical. I don’t know about- nor care for their existence.
Moving on, I have to give credit where it’s due, Aurora really outdid herself this time. I marvel at the effectiveness of her poison as I approach the soldier hunched over in the bushes, groaning in discomfort. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.
From what I can see this guy’s been barfing his stomach’s contents out quite vehemently, and based on his pulled down pants he likely plans to lay some pipes next.
Quietly, I move up behind him, my saber drawn and ready. Without warning, I place the cold steel against his throat while I grab his hair with my other hand and pull it back slightly. He stiffens immediately.
“Don’t even think about shitting on my shoes,” I whisper with a dark chuckle. “If you try to, I’ll slice you open before it even leaves your guts.”
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