6 Times a Day

Chapter 842 I Essentially Have A Whole Harem Of Beautiful Women At My Disposal !

New Year 2023 [ 2 / 3 ]


Susan drove Alan and Katherine to school. They arrived a good fifteen minutes early, at Alan's request. He mainly needed the extra time because he had something he wanted to do to Glory.

No sooner did Alan get out of the car when his friend Sean came rushing up to him.

"Whoa! Dude! Fuckin' A, man, fuckin' A!" Sean was beaming and excited.

Alan immediately grabbed him and steered him away from the other students streaming to their classes. While they walked, Alan said, "Pretty good, eh? How does it feel to be an ex-virgin?"

"Damn, it feels good!" Suddenly Sean stopped. "Let me shake your hand. If you weren't a guy, I'd hug and kiss you."

They shook hands vigorously, and both sported big shit-eating grins.

"Kim's pretty good, isn't she," said Alan, as his friend nearly shook his hand off.

"Damn straight! Fuckin' A! Greatest thing in my life! I'm gonna fuckin' name my first-born after you, man! What can I say? 'Thank you' just doesn't cut it. I'm totally gonna pay you back with some really good deed, though I can't imagine what could compare."

"Don't worry about it. Just remember, not a word to anyone, okay? If you wanna let your feelings out about how great it was, talk to me."

"If being quiet means I might get a second chance with her, I'll never speak to anyone about anything ever again for the rest of my entire life!"

Alan smiled even more, happy for his friend. "No need to go that far. You're on the fast track to sexual discovery, and time is of the essence. I'm gonna talk to Kim and see if we can't get you a repeat performance this afternoon."


"Ssssh! Keep it down, man." Alan resumed walking away to a safer, more remote spot, and Sean followed. "This is not exactly a normal conversation we're having here."

Sean said excitedly, "So, dude. Kim told me some things that you said were okay for her to tell me. Man, I can't believe it! Everything you said is true! No wonder we never see you anymore. If I had a chance to fuck gorgeous babes all day long, I don't think you'd ever see me again either."

Alan smiled. He was glad to see that Sean had a healthy libido. Part of him had worried that Sean would rather watch Farscape or South Park on TV than spend all his time fucking. "I hate to boast, but you don't even know the half of it. Not even a fraction. If you could only know what I did in the last twelve hours or so, it would completely destroy your mind."

Sean grabbed him by the shoulder and asked him conspiratorially, "Did you do two girls at once? That's like a super huge fantasy of mine."

"Only all the time! This is the life, I'm telling you, and you're gonna experience all kinds of things. All you have to do is not say a word to anyone and I'll officially make you my apprentice."

Sean said gleefully in a Yoda voice, "Always two there are - the master and the apprentice." He and Alan were big Star Wars fans.

Alan chuckled. "Yes, my young Padawan, but we've got to work on your lightsaber techniques, and I'm talking about the one between your legs. We've got to train you for Heather."

Sean suddenly frowned at the mention of Heather.

Alan didn't expect a frown, and it brought him up short. "What?"

"Well, I mean, it's great with you wanting to set me up with Heather and all, but if everything you say is true, then that means that you and Heather really did... I mean, you two... you..."

"Fucked. Yes, we had sex. Deal with it. Sean, look. I know you adore Heather, but I have to pop your bubble a bit. She's a slut, okay? She's slept with half the football team, and I don't mean that metaphorically. She literally did."

Sean exclaimed, "You lie!"

"Find out for yourself. And get used to it. You're going to have to get used to all kinds of things in very short order. I have a huge weekend planned for you, to get you prepared for Heather. Clear the decks, because you're going to be a non-stop fucking machine all weekend long with a sexy MILF who will totally blow you away!"

Sean was flabbergasted. "No way!"

"Yes way!"

"How is all this possible?"

"I have a theory. I've learned that life isn't fair. Just as the rich get richer, and the powerful get even more powerful, it's the guys with all the women who get even more. Somehow I've fallen into the lucky crowd. I'm having so much great sex that I don't know if I'm coming or going. It feeds on itself. Once you've proven that you're a steady source of orgasms, you're not psycho, and most importantly, you don't blab, it's incredible how many women will want to fuck you. Now you're moving into the 'in' crowd. If you can show yourself to be talented and able to deal, you'll find that the sky's the limit."

He thought about explaining that he'd just gotten a brand new sex slave to help illustrate that there really was no limit on what could happen, but then he decided that wasn't prudent, even if he didn't mention Brenda by name. Besides, he was pretty sure Sean wouldn't believe him. He could barely believe it himself.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Instead, he said, "The key is to remember that women want a confident guy. Act like you're in charge and you know what you're doing, even if you don't."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Sean ran a hand through his hair. "Dude! It's tough. I am so not there yet. Kim had to be really patient with me yesterday. But she said I got a lot better by the end."

"No worries. I know more than you realize. I talked to her on the phone after you left her house." Alan was glad to learn that Kim felt Sean had a lot of potential, even if he was all fingers and thumbs his first time. Kim didn't want a boyfriend, just a good fuck, and Sean at least helped her to two climaxes.

He went on, "She gives you the big thumbs up. But you still need a lot more training. Once you get into some kind of Don Juan zone, the women will pick up on the vibe, and you'll literally have to fight them off. I'll bet most women are as horny as guys are, if not more so; it's just that society frowns on letting them show it."

Sean replied, "Whoa. Hey! Lately all these good-looking girls have been coming up to you, acting all flirtatious. That's another thing that's been weird about you lately. We were starting to think you were gay, with you turning them all down. Are you saying that, in fact, you're really secretly doing all of them?"

"No. Pretty much none of them. I tend to go for the older, more sexually experienced women. In fact, I want to hook you up with one of those over the weekend, like I was starting to tell you. She's a perfect ten, and a part-time soft porn star. She lives in L.A., so think of an excuse that'll get your parents to allow you to go away for the whole weekend."

Sean's eyes bugged out and his mouth fell open. "A porn star? No way!"

"A SOFT porn star," Alan corrected. "Like in Skinemax movies."

Sean understood his reference to racy Cinemax movies. "Dude! Close enough for horseshoes! This is so fucking unbelievable! Despite everything that's turned out true, you gotta be putting me on about this. No way!"

Alan smiled a wry smile. "Welcome to my life. Not a day goes by where I don't think the words 'bizarre' and 'unbelievable,' over and over. You're going to love it. I do. The only thing is that I just get so tired and weary, and I'm failing half my classes. Let me tell you a secret, and if you even THINK about telling anyone, I'll kill you. I'm trusting you so much here, with all of this."

Sean nodded.

He leaned in close and whispered, "I essentially have a whole harem of beautiful women at my disposal. More than a handful women, ready and willing to fuck me at any time, in any combination."

"NO! You?!" Sean simply couldn't believe it, and it showed.

Alan chuckled. "Yes, me. I know, I wouldn't believe it either, if I were in your shoes. But it IS true. You'll find out this weekend, when you talk to this woman I'm setting you up with."

Sean just stood and stared. He didn't know what to believe. He knew for a fact that Alan was fucking Kim and Heather. Kim had confirmed the latter, and she'd hinted that she knew the names of some of Alan's other lovers, although she refused to be specific. Given that, Sean decided he couldn't dismiss this harem idea out of hand, no matter how preposterous it sounded.

Alan continued, "Soon, you're gonna see what some of the harem lifestyle is like if you keep doing what I say and keep your mouth shut. I'm not going to let you fuck most of them as I feel quite protective towards them, and I don't even want you to know who most of them are. But you can develop a little harem of your own, if that's what you want. Think of the cheerleaders Kim, Janice, and Joy. Maybe even Heather will be in it eventually." He pulled back with a conspiratorial wink to see his friend's reaction.

Sean stared at Alan with his mouth practically hanging open. He imagined the four cheerleaders mentioned all naked on one bed, beckoning him to join them. Needless to say, his dick was very erect.

He exclaimed, "Shit, man! No way! ... No fuckin' bleeding way! Dude! But Heather is the only one I could ever love. Although..."

Alan smiled to himself because he could already see the same dark forces working on Sean that had worked on him. His loyalty to Heather only lasts about two seconds once he sees the possibility of sex with lots of other girls too. I guess that's just how most males are. But I'm going to protect him from taking things too far, like they've gone with me. I'm trying to stave off the asshole factor, but can he fight that evil urge without the likes of Aims for sanity support? He's gonna need a lot of help with that.

Sean asked him urgently, "How am I going to make it through my classes today, thinking about all that?! Not to mention Kim waiting for me after school! Jesus Christ!"

Alan said happily, "Like I said, welcome to my life. I can't think about anything but sex anymore. Remember, everything I told you is a complete secret. Tell no one! If you tell anyone even one thing, it's all going to come to a sudden end."

"Duh!" Sean said. "I'm not stupid."

"I hope not. But no one means NO ONE. Not a family member, not an e-mail stranger, nobody. If you do, I will find out, because you're not a good liar."

Sean held his hands up defensively. "I understand completely. You're picking me as your padawan or whatever because I'm not an idiot. I won't let you down."

"Good. If you do feel the urge to talk about it, talk to me and only me. Don't tell any of your lovers anything else until you have my say so. Not until you get the hang of this and start to fly on your own. Okay?"

Sean nodded.

Alan walked off with a happy smile.

Sean just stood there and continued to stare at his friend in total amazement. Somehow, deep down, he could tell that Alan was telling the truth - the full truth. There was a lot of circumstantial evidence supporting this, such as the way girls were treating Alan in school lately. That realization completely blew his mind.

Alan felt really good to let another person know some of what was happening to him, and to share some of the sexual joy with another guy. He had a good feeling that his friend wouldn't tell anyone anything, and that things would work out for Sean. He pulled a watch out of his pocket and saw that he still had ten minutes to spend with Glory if he hurried to her classroom.

As Alan approached Glory's classroom, he thought, Sean will probably never know the full extent of everything I do. It's just too strange to believe, not to mention the danger in telling him. Like right now: what would he think if he knew my backpack contained a large and varied vibrator collection that I plan to use on my hot and sexy history teacher to keep her on sexual overload all day long?

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