6 Times a Day

Chapter 808 Teaming Up For Alan's Dick ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 9 / 12 ] 5K words


Brenda had to get off Alan's lap. She stood up, and pulled Alan up too.

With Xania standing right next to her, she placed Xania's hands where hers had been, and explained what to do. "First, hold it in your hand lovingly. It's no ordinary cock, so you have to treat it specially."

Their hands started sliding up and down it together, four hands pumping at once. But Xania's hands were moving without Brenda's help, so Brenda asked her, "Haven't you done this before?"

Xania wanted the others to think she was sexually naïve, but to claim she'd never jacked off a man was a bit much. So she answered vaguely, "Well, yes, but not like this."

Brenda, luckily, didn't press her on what that meant exactly. Instead, she spoke like a patient teacher. "Cradle it with care and tenderness, like you're holding a newborn baby. Remember, this is a magnificent and POWERFUL cock, and it needs your love and care. In fact, it demands it!"

Xania wondered how any penis could be "powerful" and "demanding," but she didn't say anything.

Brenda continued, while guiding Xania's fingers, "Don't get too frantic though, because we need to keep his erection stiff and throbbing for pretty much the entire evening. Just stroke it lightly, like you're petting a cat. I like to keep some fingers pressed against his most sensitive spot, just underneath the cockhead. You do know about the frenulum, don't you? Here at the Plummer house, it's called the 'sweet spot.'"

Xania dodged the question by asking, "I'm supposed to rub him here most of the time, right?"

Brenda waited until Xania started stroking his sweet spot in the right way. "There. Yes. Good. Then your other hand is free to roam up and down, to slip and slide all around. You can play with his balls too."

Since Xania was taking control of the most sensitive parts of his erection, Brenda stayed busy stroking his lower shaft and fondling his balls.

Everyone watched and nodded approvingly as Xania seemed to be getting the hang of it.

Alan was thinking that he'd get a short strategic break during the switch of penis tenders, but there hadn't been any break, and now both Brenda and Xania were working on him! He had to clench his PC muscle even more intently than before.

Xania asked, with genuine curiosity, "I don't understand how he can handle this much stimulation for so long. I mean, I can barely see any of his privates because of all the hands sliding all over him, including mine! Wouldn't any man have orgasmed a long time ago by now?"

It wasn't clear who Xania was expecting to answer, but Susan spoke up. "That's just how it is, and who he is. The more we stimulate him, the better his stamina gets. Keep in mind that Brenda sucked him non-stop for a FULL HOUR just before you arived, using every technique and trick she knew. It he could handle that without cummiing, a mere handjob is nothing."

She went on, "I'm so glad you were able to come down tonight and be with us and experience all this. I love how you were so tolerant in our meeting, but still, I'll bet there's a part of you that disapproves of the incest. After you see and experience all this firsthand, you'll be able to really understand where I'm coming from, and my daughter too. With a cock that powerful and delicious, how can you resist it? How can I resist? Or Katherine? Or any of us? It's not possible!"

Brenda suddenly let go of Alan's privates. She pulled Xania's panties down her legs until they were below her knees, causing Xania's bush and slit to come into full view.

"Aaaaiiieee!" Xania screamed. "What's that for?!" She asked this as she wiggled her bare ass around in a sexy but impossible attempt to get her panties back up somehow - she didn't want to let go of his boner for even a second, for fear that Brenda would latch onto it again.

Brenda kept her hold on Xania's panties, forcing them down and out of reach. They wound up bunched around her ankles, making it hard for her to spread her legs any further, unless she wanted to rip her panties in two.

Xania was genuinely distressed, although she kept on stroking Alan's cock instead of trying to retrieve her panties. "What are you doing?! Give that back! Can't you see you've completely exposed my pussy?!"

Amy giggled. "In case we didn't notice, we sure do now!"

Katherine giggled too. "And look how wet she is!"

Xania blushed for real yet again, if she'd ever stopped. "You would be too, if you..." She looked at her hands sliding all over Alan's long shaft. She couldn't recall any handjob half as arousing and fun as this one. She desperately wanted to cover her soaked pussy, because she knew the other women were staring at it, and that was making her so horny that she was having trouble breathing. But it was as if she was literally unable to stop her own hands. "Well... it's just... the entire situation! I'm effectively completely naked!"

Susan was delighted to point out, "Not true. You're wearing a lovely pair of high heels."

Xania growled, "A big help that is! They just make me feel even MORE naked somehow!"

Susan grinned as she idly fondled her nipples. "They do have a way of doing that. Which I totally love, by the way."

Alan asked Brenda, "Can I sit back down now?"

"Please do."

Alan sat in his chair.

Brenda and Xania immediately followed by kneeling between his legs. Xania winced when she heard her panties tear while she repositioned. She sensed they hadn't torn all the way through yet, but she couldn't bear to examine the damage.

Xania felt one of her big tits pressing into one of Brenda's even larger tits. She thought, I've been in a lot of strange sexual situations over the years. Full-blown orgies, even. But this has got to be the strangest... AND the most arousing! Even Hollywood orgies have mostly normal looking people in them. All of the women here tonight could be famous for their looks! Really! Brenda's body in particular is fucking RIDICULOUS! Like a cartoon of an hourglass figure! And the whole thing seems basically to just be an elaborate game to help arouse this one kid's cock.

I know this must be Suzanne's doing. I would ask what the hell was she thinking, except that I'm having the time of my life! If they have this much fun on a regular basis, who cares about the reasons behind it?!

Katherine noticed that now that Xania was kneeling, her mouth was only a few inches from the tip of Alan's cock. So she suggested, "Hey Xania, since your face is so close, try blowing on it too."

Xania looked up and over to Suzanne. "Is that allowed?"

Suzanne replied seriously, like a professional referee. "As long as you don't touch it with your lips or tongue."

Susan agreed with a happy "Moo." (She'd mostly given up on mooing, since that got old fast, but she still had fun with the occasional "moo" every now and then.)

So Xania experimentally blew on it, making Alan respond with a loud erotic moan. That caused a lot of murmurs of approval from the women still sitting around the table.

Brenda leaned in too. "Do that. A lot of that. Like this!" She blew air directly onto his sweet spot.

Soon, both women were blowing him all over, while Xania kept on stroking and stroking.

Stalling for time, so they could both have fun playing with his cock, Brenda brought a finger to his sweet spot and said, "Oh, and this is definitely his special spot." She immediately began rubbing it with her fingertip. "The Plummers call it his 'sweet spot,' which I think is a great name. It's such sweet bliss when I have his cock in my mouth and I'm licking right on it."

She blew yet another heavy puff of air on it, fromt just a couple of inches away. "See how I'm directing my blowing right there?"

Alan shivered all over from the tingly arousal.

Xania complained, "Of course I know about that. Everybody knows about that. I even know its proper name: the frenulum. That's where I'm blowing too!"

"Good." Brenda was still rubbing his sweet spot with her finger, while Xania stroked all of the thick shaft below that point. Then both of them leaned in even closer to blow still more effectively.

Brenda added, "So, while you'll want to be stimulating his sweet spot pretty much constantly, don't stop there. Susan has been teaching me all of his other sensitive spots. For instance, right here, just under the crown of the head, all the way around..." She ran her finger along under that ridge.

Xania pretended to not understand, so she could get her other hand involved. "You mean like this?" She also ran a finger just under the crown.

"Exactly. And down this way, this whole area is pretty good."

Xania's stroking hand gave way so Brenda could trace up and down some veiny bulges on the underside of Alan's shaft.

Brenda said, "This whole side, really, could use a lot of-"

Alan was forced to complain, "Hey! That's too much!" It wasn't so much what they were doing with their fingers, but the way they kept on blowing and blowing, right across his sweet spot, that was driving him wild.

Xania pulled back and looked around. She was daunted at the way everyone else was staring at her, yet again. "Wait a minute! Whatever happened to the poker game? How am I even supposed to play, while I'm on my knees?"

Suzanne said, "Keep in mind that penis tending takes precedence. But if you want, you can sit on his lap and stroke him from there."

Xania decided to do that instead. As she repositioned by sitting on one of his thighs, she felt her panties tear the rest of the way off and fall to the floor. But she didn't say anything about it, hoping that at least some of the others hadn't heard or noticed.

Brenda knelt just outside of Alan's legs, and went back to merely playing with Alan's balls. She told Xania, "Take advantage of your new position. As official penis tender, don't feel like you have to limit yourself to just his cock. You need to stimulate him all over. Make out. Kiss him anywhere and everywhere. Lick HIS nipples. A big part of the job is rubbing your bare tits up against him at every opportunity, so get closer. You've got a very impressive set of knockers, so use 'em!"

She nudged Xania into Alan so one of his arms was practically encased in tit.

Xania played along and began rhythmically stroking her chest into his, in time to her two pumping hands. But she asked, "What's that got to do with my panties being pulled off?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Brenda said, "Your panties aren't off, you're just wearing them more loosely." Using her foot, she scooted Xania's torn panties so they covered one of her high heeled feet. She looked to Suzanne for confirmation. "Am I right?"

Suzanne nodded with a delighted grin. She was in position to see Xania's feet and exactly how tenuously Xania was "wearing" her panties.

Brenda went on, "The reason I pulled your panties down is that, as penis tender, you have to use your whole body. Don't feel like you have to sit next to him exclusively. Just before you took over, I was having a great time sitting on one of his legs, sliding up and down it, rubbing my cunt juices all over the top of his thigh. Forget about dignity and totally devote yourself to serving him and stimulating him! Be creative, but just don't get so outrageous that you make him cum."

Xania looked around like everyone was insane, especially Brenda (who continued to fondle Alan's balls). "I can't believe I'm doing this, but I agreed to follow the rules. So I'll try."

Brenda ran a hand down Xania's bare back. "Good! You should celebrate by giving him a big kiss!"

Xania huffed, as if she was put out. "Then can we go back to the poker game?"


Xania cuddled in close and starting necking with him. Meanwhile, she kept on jacking him off while pressing her bare tits into his chest.

Alan, in turn, was freely fondling her all over, except for her pussy mound. He generally kept a hand on her ass and another around her back.

Susan was so happy that it looked like she was about to rise up and fly around the room. She was beaming and bouncing in place. It's starting to happen, just like I knew it would! Xania's getting TAMED! She's such a nice and wise person. Once she's hooked on Tiger's cock we'll become good friends, for sure! And she's a serious hottie, with a great set of tits. She might even be worthy of joining the harem, and I don't say that lightly!

But Brenda was demanding and not satisfied. (Plus, she figured the longer she talked, the longer she had an excuse to at least play with his balls.) "Xania, I understand you're new here, but penis tender is an EXTREMELY important job! You're not giving it your all."

Xania broke the kiss to complain. "What?! I've already gone way over the line for a simple handjob. Look. I'm effectively buck naked and basically making love to him with my entire body. I have no idea how I can continue to play cards like this. And speaking of dignity, I threw mine out the window. I've never been so embarrassed in my life! What more do you want?!"

"More cunt!" Brenda insisted. "Here, place your cunt on his knee."

Brenda let go of his testicles again to help reposition her. She managed to get a nice feel of Xania's bare ass, and she even kept a hand on one of Xania's ass cheeks under the pretense of holding her in position. (Needless to say, Brenda's attitude on sex with other women was rapidly changing.)

She told Xania, "Now, you see I've already got the top of both his legs all slicked up with my pussy juices. Straddling his leg like that, slide your cunt all the way up his leg until you reach his upper thighs. And then back."

Xania, pretending consternation, began rubbing her entire body against him while continuing to stroke his erection. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she complained to no one in particular. Then looking around, she said testily, "What? What are you all looking at? Does everyone have to stare? Sheesh! I'm just trying to be a good guest."

Alan, huffing and puffing with excitement while squeezing his PC muscle, said between breaths, "The effort... is appreciated... Very much so."

After Brenda was forced to stop rubbing Alan or playing with his balls, she sat down on the floor and took to masturbating herself while watching Xania. She felt like a penis tending expert already, and gave frequent advice to Xania on how to stimulate Alan even better. She didn't care much about taking part in the poker game, although she still had her panties on and wanted them off.

One of the rules from the first week was "no fingers in pussies" until someone else's dares during the game dictated that. However, Brenda satisfied herself well enough by repeatedly pulling her own panties tight against her crotch. They were completely soaked through, so she was the constant source of squishy sounds.

Alan found it a bit unnerving that most of the time Brenda was staring at him intently and adoringly, making him too self-conscious to look her in the face for long. Luckily, it wasn't her face that he was most interested in looking at anyway.

What made things extra fun for him was the way Xania protested, with almost, but not quite, over-the-top comments like, "Well, I never!" "How dare you!" "Don't take advantage of a drunk woman," and "Not the nipples, please!" Even her grunts and moans were extra sexy because of the way she made it sound like she was being violated against her will - although she never actually asked him to stop.

However, given everything Xania had done so far, and the obvious enjoyment she'd had, no one was worried in the slightest that Alan was "taking advantage" of her.

Feeling emboldened, he started "accidentally" playing with Xania's clit and/or slit from time to time. He figured, correctly, that no one would call him on it.

Xania continued to protest, saying things like, "Haven't you had enough of me?", "Hey, fingering my pussy is against the rules! Isn't it?", "No! Please, I beg, no more clit!" and "There?! Touch me anywhere but there! Don't put your fingers inside me so deeply!" But she still never just told him to stop, since she really didn't want him to.

She also made comments that sounded more like psychological advice, such as, "Susan, I think you're far too permissive. You're giving your son a complete run of the place, and of your luscious, incredible bodies. And now my body! It's like I've become some kind of sexual plaything for him."

Susan and Brenda gave each other significant looks from across the room. They both felt shivers run down their spine and they were both thinking the same thing.

Brenda mouthed it to Susan: "She HAS become a sexual plaything for him!"

A wide-eyed and overjoyed Susan mouthed back in agreement, "MOOO!" Of course, this wasn't exactly a startling revelation, but she treated it like one anyway.

She thought, It's hopeless! There's no point in resisting. I'm Tiger's big-titted plaything... one of many! Just look around the room. We're all here to serve him, to serve his cock! And now he's taming Xania right before our eyes. Before the evening's over, he might just fuck her right across the coffee table!

Between gawking at Brenda's gigantic tits and experiencing Xania's sensual all-over body rub and handjob, Alan was nearly delirious with arousal. He was clenching his PC muscle strenuously and thinking seriously about calling for another strategic break.

But before he could do that, he suddenly and unexpectedly lost control. As it happened, Xania had just started a long, passionate kiss, so he wasn't able to give any warning. The best he could do was moan urgently and loudly into Xania's mouth.

However, Brenda was still sitting nearby, masturbating and watching him like a hawk, and she quickly realized what was going on. Without thinking, she leaped forward like a striking panther. In a matter of seconds, she engulfed his cockhead.

This annoyed Xania to no end, since Brenda roughly pushed Xania's stroking hand off Alan's cock in her haste. She broke the kiss to complain to her, "Hey! What do you think-"

But she was cut off, because Alan's mouth was free to talk and he exclaimed, "I'm cumming!"

Xania was chagrined. She brought her hand back to his balls, and she felt how they'd tightened up. She wanted to get in on his orgasm somehow, but Brenda was in the prime position and she was bobbing on him frantically. The best Xania could do was stroke his shaft, trying to coax more cum out, into Brenda's mouth.

Alan's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he clenched his teeth tightly. "Aaaaah! So... UGH! So intense!"

Xania burned with jealousy as she watched Brenda's bobbing head. Dammit! That cum should be mine! I worked hard for it! And everyone goes on and on about how sweet and delicious his cum is. I'd like to get to know his taste a lot better. But, fuck! What can I do with Brenda there?! Dammit!

Despite her frustration, she continued to assist with her stroking. She even brought her other hand over to fondle his balls.

Brenda kept on bobbing and bobbing, gulping Alan's cum straight down her throat. She was in seventh heaven. She loved it so much that she didn't stop when his cum ran out. She hoped he'd simply stay erect if she was active enough, but he slowly went flaccid in her mouth. She gradually went from bobbing to just lightly sucking, and then licking, as she thoroughly "cleaned" his dick and balls.

She'd guzzled his cum down so quickly that nearly all of it was gone. When she finally finished her cleaning and sat up, all that remained were a few dribbles of cum on her chin.

The other women weren't too pleased. Suzanne spoke for them all when she said, "Brenda, we don't mind that you took quick action and sucked him off. A lot of his cum would have been wasted otherwise. But to just swallow it all down cleanly like that is selfish. Sharing is caring. If you'd shot at least some of his cum on your face, or at least saved some in your mouth, there's all kinds of ways we could have shared that."

Brenda dropped her head sadly. "I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking!"

Suzanne said, "That's okay. You're pretty new at this, so it's a very understandable mistake. But in the future, think first, and THEN suck and bob like a woman possessed. Not only did you miss out on sharing, but you missed out on getting to truly enjoy his taste. Savor it, like fine wine. You don't down a glass of wine in one gulp, you draw it out, and swirl it around inside your mouth."

Brenda dropped her head even lower. "Oh, God! I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry!"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Susan got up and walked over to Brenda. She knelt down to get face-to-face and wrapped her arms around her, deliberately pressing her huge, bare tits into her friend's. She smiled encouragingly. "Don't be sad. All Suzanne is saying is learn from the experience. If you want to be one of Tiger's favorite personal cocksuckers-"

"I do! I do!"

Susan nodded, though of course she knew that already. "Well, then, it's a constant process of getting better. We take our cocksucking VERY seriously around here. It's not just some mindless sex act; it's an art. Ten years from now, after sucking my son off countless thousands of times, I hope to STILL be improving and learning new things."

Brenda nodded with determination. She had the same goal. She clenched a fist and shook it. "Susan, you're my inspiration. I'll do better next time. Much better!"

"That's the spirit!" Susan leaned forward and French kissed Brenda. That picked up Brenda's spirits, and soon they were playfully rubbing their nipples against each other while their tongues dueled.

Then Brenda broke the kiss and turned back to Alan.

He was resting and leaning way back, with Xania cuddled up against him with her arms around his waist.

Brenda lightly held his balls again and resumed licking them. As she did, she looked up at him and prepared to speak.

He was feeling the usual post-orgasmic weakness, but he was alert enough to keep his eyes open. Before Brenda could say anything, he cut her off. "Hold it, please. Brenda, I can guess what you're going to say. You're going to be all apologetic. Don't be. You did great. Thank you for what you did." He turned his gaze to Xania, who had her head on his chest. "And thank you." He tilted his head down and kissed the top of Xania's head. "I'm so lucky, and so blessed. So, not another word, Brenda, and that's an order. Just enjoy the moment."

Susan wrapped her arm around Brenda's torso and rubbed her tummy. "Yes, enjoy the moment. Just think: you have a belly full of Tiger's cum!" She leaned in and whispered right into Brenda's ear. "And who knows what'll happen before the night is over?" She licked Brenda's ear while she added, "How much more of his cum will you have in you or on you? Maybe your face and tits will be thoroughly soaked from multiple loads! Or maybe his cum will be oozing out of your hot cunt after getting a royal fucking! I have a feeling tonight is going to be a very special night for you!"

Any trace of Brenda's disappointment was long gone. She gleefully rubbed her tummy. Our master thinks he's lucky and blessed? What about me?! Susan's right. Already, this is the best night of my life, and it's only just begun! True, I made some mistakes, but I'm going to get better, a lot better. Tonight, I AM going to get royally fucked! I just know it!

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